Bonded Builders Warranty Group and Pivotal Energy Solutions form new Partnership

Bonded Builders Warranty Group (BBWG) and Pivotal Energy Solutions are pleased to announce the availability of BBWG’s Residential Energy Guarantee (REG) program through Pivotal’s Axis Platform.

The REG is an exclusive program available to builders who construct and certify homes that meet industry standards for energy efficiency such as HERS, Energy Star, LEED or National Green Building Standard. This first-of-its-kind program for new homes is the only national program which guarantees energy usage of the entire home based on standards set by the Residential Energy Service Network (RESNET). The program reimburses the homeowner for cost of gas and electricity usage exceeding the home’s predicted energy usage by more than 15%.

Axis is a cloud-based data collection, storage, and sharing solution used by HERS Raters, new home builders, and program sponsors to streamline the data collection process for energy ratings and energy efficiency programs such as ENERGY STAR Homes.

By offering the BBWG REG through Axis, BBWG is making it even easier for builders and home owners to enroll in the REG program and guarantee their new home's energy performance. For more information about BBWG's REG, contact Steve Hooker at 800-749-0381 x4618. For more information about Pivotal's Axis platform, contact Bob Burns at 800-980-AXIS.

Learn more about Bonded Builders Warranty Group, please visit

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