Pivotal Licenses Appraisal Institute's Green Addendum

Pivotal Energy Solutions is pleased to announce the licensing of the Appraisal Institute's Residential Green and Energy Efficient Addendum (G&EEA) enabling auto-population of the G&EEA directly from its Axis platform. The Appraisal Institute, the world's largest professional organization of real estate appraisers, developed the G&EEA for use by appraisers to document the energy efficiency features of a home for appraisal purposes. Through an agreement with the Appraisal Institute, Pivotal's Axis platform generates and auto-populates the Green Addendum using home energy rating and energy efficiency program data.

Pivotal's Axis platform is a cloud-based data collection, storage, and sharing solution used by HERS Raters and Providers, home builders, and energy efficiency program sponsors to streamline data collection for energy ratings and energy efficiency programs such as ENERGY STAR Homes. By offering an auto-populated Green Addendum within Axis, Pivotal seeks to eliminate data entry errors while documenting the energy efficiency features of new homes in a consistent manner to enable the proper valuation of high-performance homes within the real estate market.

For more information about the Appraisal Institute and the Residential Green and Energy Efficient Addendum, go to http://www.appraisalinstitute.org/education/education-resources/green-building-resources/. For more information about Pivotal's Axis platform, contact Bob Burns at 800-980-AXIS.

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